Peaches And Creamsicles

Peaches And Creamsicles

Peaches And Cream tea + cream + fresh peach = Peaches And Creamsicles!



6 oz Peaches And Cream tea concentrate (5-7 sachets & 300ml of water)

6 oz cream or non-dairy creamer

1 peach

**You will also require a popsicle mold



Begin by cold steeping the Peaches And Cream tea concentrate. Add 5-7 Peaches And Cream sachets to 300ml of cold water. Cold steep overnight for 12 hours in the fridge. Once steeped, remove the sachets from the steeped tea.

Combine 6 oz of Peaches And Cream tea concentrate with 6 oz of cream or non-dairy creamer. Stir and pour into popsicle molds. 
Chop up your peach into small cubes and add a couple to each popsicle. Place into freezer overnight. 
Hold the popsicle mold under warm water for an easier release from the mold & enjoy!




Peaches And Cream tea + cream + fresh peach = Peaches & Creamsicles 🍑 ##teatok ##homecafe ##popsicle ##tearecipe ##peachtea ##smallbusiness

♬ Amoeba - Clairo