What is Camellia Sinensis?
All tea types are derived from the same single plant Camellia Sinensis. The plant thrives in tropical and subtropical climates where the rainfall is plentiful and the soil rich. In these conditions the plant can grow to an elevation of 30 feet if left unpruned. The tea bushes are consistently pruned back to a height of three to five feet to allow for convenient plucking of tender leaves. As with most plants, pruning enables for the healthy growth of new young leaves or “flush”.
All tea, be it black, green, oolong, white, yellow or pu-erh tea originates from one of two subspecies: the Assam varietal (Camellis sinensis assamica) or the China varietal (Camellia sinensis chinensis). Grown in India, Sri Lanka and in other parts of the world, the Assam varietal produces large, bold tasting leaves. The China varietal, cultivated in China, Taiwan, Japan and in parts of Darjeeling produces smaller leaves with a more delicate flavour profile.